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Current affairs (...from afar? getting further...)

Updated: Oct 20, 2020

Hi all,

I just wanted to give you all a little update of my plans, particularly as I am away for September.

The current services I have available are Pilates classes:

Tuesday morning 9.30-10.30

Thursday evening 19.00-20.00

I will endeavour to continue these classes whilst away (technology allowing!) & there is still plenty of space to book on! Expect a different scenery every week!

It is the final Roller Derby Pilates class tomorrow. Following the success of this I will be looking at other sport-focused Pilates classes (running and cycling predominantly) if you are interested or have a sport to suggest please let me know & I will include 1st choice on available time slots.

My acupuncture, chest physio and sports massage services remain on hold as I am not comfortable with such close proximity whilst I am working in a hospital and with covid patients.

The 1:1 pilates and physio is on hold through September.

Once I am back (in October) I will look into hall options & the possibility of re-starting face to face Pilates classes, as long as current government guidelines allow.

September: Our (my fiance James, our dog Zelda & I) plan is to walk to our friends' cider farm in Somerset!! 1 month. 350ish miles. Wild camping. With everything we need on our backs or being collected from resupply boxes!! Hoping to raise some money for frontline19 - a charity set up to assist key workers with mental health issues following the pandemic. If you would like to follow our progress you can on

I hope you all are keeping well, I apologise for the disruptions this year & hope we can resume some form of normality in October.

All the best


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